RV Holding Tank Treatment
The #1 treatment for smelly holding tanks
If you have sewage smells coming from your holding tanks or if your pipes or sensors are blocked, you need a solution, fast!
Noflex Digestor is a breakthrough treatment for holding tanks that will make you wish you discovered it earlier. It's the fastest, most cost effective way to eliminate smells, clean out the sludge in your tank and unblock pipes and sensors.
Introducing Noflex Digestor

How it works:
1: When Noflex granules are added to your tank they sink to the bottom where they react with the sludge, releasing bubbles of oxygen.
2: This disperses the sludge and releases proteins that are a source of food for the live ‘good’ bacteria in your tank.
3: These bacteria then eat the odour-causing sludge particles and you’re left with an smell-free holding tank!
Noflex Digestor is:
Fast - you’ll notice the difference within hours
Safe - it works by getting the good bacteria to eat the bad bacteria
Proven – it’s been used in commercial applications for years and is now available for septic, RV and marine use in Australia
Cost Effective – A pot of Noflex goes a long way. On average it lasts 3-4 months - that's around $3 per week
Does your holding tank need treatment?

Your holding tank needs treatment if:
- Sewage smells are coming from your heads or plumbing
- Your toilets are backing up or flow is slowing
- Your tank is over flowing
- Your sensors are blocked
- There's sludge in your tanks that you can't get rid of
Why Noflex is the best holding tank treatment
- It doesn't mask smells, it neutralises them
- It activates the 'good' bacteria that eat the 'bad' bacteria
- It gets rid of sludge and unblocks pipes
- It's safe - the main by-product is sodium carbonate (washing soda)
- It's cost effective - a single pot lasts 3-4 months
How to use Noflex Digestor to treat your holding tanks
1. For a partial blockage in the piping, large amounts of sludge buildup or unpleasant odours, use 30 grams/2 tablespoons a day till system is clear or you start to see a noticeable difference.
2. Add the product directly in a toilet flushed 3 times to get the powder down the line.
3. The best time to add the product into system is morning after breakfast, or just before bed.
4. If the flow in the system is minimal, use the shortest run toilet into the tank to start.
Normal use: 30 grams/2 tablespoons per toilet, once or twice per week for proper maintenance and upkeep of the piping and tank.
If you have no flow through the system Noflex will open it up and make it work again. It took years to plug up so it won’t be an overnight fix, but you will see results within 30 days and it will get better every week.
1. The product works better in small amounts spread out over time rather than large amounts.
2. The product is formulated for the highest performance possible; do not add to anything else to it.
3. Some customers have discontinued use of the product after the problem has gone away only to have it come back. Remember a little all the time will stop it from coming back.
4. The product will not neutralise disinfectants such as pine cleaners, tea tree oil soaps, orange-oil based cleaners. These are not good things to put into any type of sewage treatment system.
Satisfaction guaranteed. 100% refund if you're not happy with our products or service.
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