Noflex Digestor

Cleans and eliminates sewage smells without toxic chemicals, 100% guaranteed
- When Noflex granules are added to your tank they sink to the bottom where they react with the sludge, releasing bubbles of oxygen.
- This disperses the sludge and releases proteins that are a source of food for the live ‘good’ bacteria in your tank.
- These bacteria then eat the odour-causing sludge particles and you’re left with an odour free tank!
Noflex Digestor, made in Canada, is:
- Fast - you’ll notice the difference within hours
- Safe - it works by getting the good bacteria to eat the bad bacteria; the main by-product is sodium carbonate (washing soda)
- Proven – it’s been used in commercial applications for years and is now available for home, RV and boat use in Australia
- Cost Effective – A 475 gram pot of Noflex goes a long way. On average it lasts 3-4 months - that's around $3 per week to keep your tanks and grease traps, clean & odour-free. If your septic is really stinky double the recommended dose for the first week of use.
09JAN 2021
We are ecstatic, the smell from the 'head 'was almost intolerable but the difference is almost unbelievable. We had to remove linen from that cabin because of the smell, now we can put it back. Gary &Stephanie.
Testimonial: 16SEP2020
We installed our septic system over twenty years ago, and it worked perfectly up until September 2016. Our septic system has two tanks and two absorption trenches, down hill of the trenches is our Dam, which is only for used for pumping water onto our extensive garden areas. We noticed the dam water was becoming contaminated with septic water leaching through the ground and seeping into the dam, increasing nutrients which caused a choking algae, as well as starting to smell.
This meant we had to drain the dam and clean it out.
Our problem was how to stop this happening again.
I was given a bottle of Noflex Digestor, and added it directly into the septic tank. Ignorantly miss dosing the tank, I noticed the build up of sediment sludge reduced to the point when the council inspector recently inspected the system they commented on how well the system was working and a measurement of the sludge was negligible.
I was told that most tanks this age would have to be drained and dug out, or totally replaced.
Our Dam is pristine, with many frog species as well as tortoise and small eels.
Thank you for your product, it has keeps our system working well and our environment beautiful.
Pastor Steve Ahern
Jervis Bay Community Church.
View the Material Safety Data Sheet for this product.